National Health Care
Insurance Provider

National health care insurance provider uses SpiceCSM to manage and contact eligible consumers more efficiently as well as expand the level of services provided to existing members leveraging SpiceCSM business processes.

The Platform for Health Care

National health care insurance provider builds a HIPAA compliant patient engagement platform on SpiceCSM that looks at a complete picture of member data to provide the right products to their consumers.  Using the SpiceCSM All-In-One-CRM they are able to efficiently reach out to prospective members at exactly the right time, and offer new services to existing members. Our advanced Guided Process scripting presents their agents with step-by-step handling instructions for every interaction and scenario. This improves their efficiency and ability to capture data effectively which allowed them to handle more interactions while providing better data, better reporting, and ultimately a better member experience.

Integrated Solutions

A SpiceCSM Unified User Interface (UUI) leveraging:

  1. IBM Watson: Advanced email handling and routing.
  2. NICE inContact: Inbound and outbound telephony built directly into the SpiceCSM platform.
  3. Ushur: Provides SMS notifications and reminders for patients.

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